Teak Park Benches

Commercial Site Furnishings offers the finest in teak park benches in multiple seating options. Constructed from Indonesian kiln-dried teak wood, the craftsmanship and quality will surpass your expectations in a park bench.
History of Teak Park Benches
The first teak park benches were made of decking salvaged from old British sailing ships. Teak was desirable because it does not corrode when it comes in contact with metal. As the sailing ships became old and unseaworthy, they were dismantled. It was noticed that the teak wood was in excellent condition. This initially led to it being used in manufacturing teak park benches. Many of those benches are still in use today - more than 100 years later. One of the most famous is still in the middle of London's majestic courtyard. It is not unusual for teak park benches, or teak furniture, to be in good working order after 100 years of use or exposure to the outdoor elements. Public outdoor parks all over Europe are furnished with teak park benches.
Benefits of Teak Wood
Teak is known world wide for its excellent properties in outdoor applications. It is still used widely today in constructing decks of sailing ships, cruise ships, or other marine applications. Teak wood can attribute its excellent qualities to the high oil content and dense wood grain of the tree. The oil repels insects, even termites. Teak oil prevents the absorption and evaporation of water that other woods experience. These qualities make it the perfect wood from which to construct a park bench or other outdoor furniture piece.
Teak is Environmentally Friendly
Teak wood is a wise environmental choice. The manufacture of teak wood has a low impact on the environment. Teak used in our outdoor park benches is harvested from government controlled plantations in Indonesia. Sometimes these forest locations are a great distance from the manufacturing plant. Elephants, instead of diesel guzzling trucks, are used to bring the teak trunks to the manufacturing locations. The elephants have a very low environmental impact on the forests. Because teak wood is so dense and heavy, the trunks will not float in water.
Once the teak wood is at the manufacturing location, it is kiln dried to ensure optimal moisture content for longevity. If teak wood is not properly kiln dried, it will crack and split when it unevenly dries in application, whether that application be a commercial park bench or indoor chair. When the teak wood is cut and milled for the teak park bench, the shavings are used to fire the kilns.
Teak benches are constructed using mortis and tenon joinery, which prevents the need for using nails or screws.
Our teak outdoor park benches are made responsibly. The teak harvested to manufacture the park benches at ParkBenchSource.com is sourced from Indonesian-government-controlled plantations. This means that the teak plantations are managed and used responsibly. Teak trees are usually about 40 years old when harvested for their wood.
How Should I Care For My Teak Bench?
You have two choices in caring for your teak bench. If you desire the traditional silvery grey patina of aged teak wood, simply do nothing to your outdoor park bench. The elements will weather your park bench to a beautiful silver grey in about two years. Some people love the new honeytone color of teak benches. You can maintain this color by using a teak sealer after you have weathered your teak park bench for about two weeks. The sealer will need to be reapplied about every 12 months to keep your park bench the honeytone color. Sealer is easy to apply, requiring either a brush, rag, or spray bottle (your choice).
Should I Use Teak Oil On My Teak Bench?
We do not recommend using teak oil on your park bench or other teak furniture. Teak oil is not a natural product of teak - it is actually tung oil or a mixture of other oils. While beautiful for a few weeks, these oils attract debris to your teak bench and will cause more maintenance over time.
There is no more timeless standard for commercial applications than the teak bench. At Commercial Site Furnishings, we offer classic park bench designs at competitive prices.
The bench is awesome and Bess is great to work with